The State of the World’s Children 2024 – Statistical Compendium
The future of childhood hangs in the balance if urgent action is not taken to safeguard children’s rights in a changing world. The State of the World’s Children 2024: Statistical Compendium presents the most recent key statistics on child survival, development and protection for the world’s countries, areas and regions.

Data snapshot of migrant and displaced children in Africa: 2024 update
Substantial numbers of African children are on the move – both internally within their own countries and across borders – due to ongoing and emerging crises. Many of these migrant and forcibly displaced children are in urgent need of protection and must be prioritized in national, regional and global efforts. This data snapshot uses the latest available data to highlight key trends about this vulnerable population of children.

The Right Start in Life: Global levels and trends in birth registration
Society first acknowledges a child’s existence and identity through birth registration. This publication draws from more than 500 data sources spanning a period of more than 20 years to present updated global and regional estimates of the number of unregistered children under age 5 and under age 1. The report also includes estimates on children and infants without birth certificates, both globally and across regions.

Adolescent Data Portal
Global, regional and country-level data on key indicators of adolescent well-being, together with information on the socioeconomic contexts in which adolescents live.
Latest statistics
Progress on Children’s Well-being: Centring child rights in the 2030 Agenda
UNICEF examined available data on the 48 child-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators which the agency regularly monitors. Organized around five domains of child well-being. These indicators capture the breadth of children’s lived experiences. When viewed together – rather than as individual sectors – they provide a rich, nuanced picture of children’s lives that tell us which children are thriving and which children are being left behind.

Data Governance Fit for Children
UNICEF’s Data Governance Fit for Children (DG4C) Programme aims to foster a culture of responsible data practices across industries, sectors, contexts and generations. By taking a principles-driven approach, DG4C translates the needs and interests of children and youth into actionable, child rights-centred outcomes. The DG4C framework is designed to support governments, tech companies, civil society organizations and others in placing young people’s best interests at the heart of their data and technology initiatives.

Frontier Data Network
A UNICEF initiative that boosts humanitarian efforts by melding cutting-edge technology with improved data access. The Frontier Data Network (FDN) turns advanced technology into practical, science-based solutions, making complex information understandable and useful. The goal is to translate data into real-world impact, enhancing project outcomes. FDN transforms complex data into clear, actionable results, driving smarter decisions and stronger outcomes in global challenges.

International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC)
ICVAC includes operational definitions of all forms of violence against children and covers interpersonal and collective violence, both in times of peace and during internal or international armed conflict. The classification will provide countries with a tool to capture and categorize incidents of violence and consequently assess the extent to which their national definitions and data collection efforts comply with internationally-agreed standards.