
Last update: November 2024

Diarrhoea remains a leading killer of young children, despite the availability of a simple treatment

Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for approximately 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2021. This translates to over 1,200 young children dying each day, or about 444,000 children a year, despite the availability of a simple treatment solution.


Diarrhoeal disease

Child Health

Definition of main indicators

Diarrhoea treatment with ORS: Percentage of children under age 5 who had diarrhoea in the two weeks preceding the survey and who received oral rehydration salts (ORS packets or pre-packaged ORS fluids).

Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration therapy and continued feeding – Percentage of children under age 5 who had diarrhoea in the two weeks preceding the survey and who received oral rehydration therapy (oral rehydration salts, recommended home-made fluids or increased fluids) and continued feeding.