How many?Beta
How many children are there in the world? How many are malnourished, are experiencing sexual violence or have died from COVID-19? Find answers to commonly asked questions here, or to access all of our available data please visit UNICEF’s Data Warehouse.

Frequently asked questions
- What is the average life expectancy in Palestine?
- How many babies are born in India each year?
- How many children are born in Israel each year?
- How many children are born in Palestine each year?
- What is the share of urban population in Palestine?
- How many babies are stillborn each year in the USA?
- How many babies are stillborn each year in the UK?
- How many babies are stillborn each year?
- What is the world’s literacy rate?
- What is the world’s maternal mortality rate?
- What is the world’s child mortality rate?
- What is the world’s infant mortality rate?
- How many child refugees are from Palestine?
- How many children live in the State of Palestine?
- How many children live in Israel?
- How many refugees are there in the world?
- How many people are there in the world?
- How many children are there in Uganda?
- How many children are there in South Sudan?
- How many children are there in Egypt?
- How many women die during pregnancy?
- How many women die during pregnancy in the USA?
- How many children live in poverty?
- How many people are there in the world?
- How many children have toys?
- How many men think it’s okay to beat up their wife?
- How many women were child brides?
- How many children have had the rotavirus vaccine?
- How many children are there in Colombia?
- How many children are there in Spain?
- How many children are there in Myanmar?
- How many children are there in South Africa?
- How many children are there in Thailand?
- How many children are there in France?
- How many children are there in the Republic of Türkiye?
- How many children are there in Iran (Islamic Republic of)?
- How many children are there in the DRC?
- How many children are there in Vietnam?
- How many children are there in Ethiopia?
- How many children are there in the Philippines?
- How many children are there in Japan?
- How many children are there in Bangladesh?
- How many children are there in Russia?
- How many children are there in Brazil?
- How many children are there in Indonesia?
- How many children are there in the European Union (EU)?
- How many children are there in Mexico?
- How many children are there in Italy?
- How many children are there in Germany?
- How many children are there in Afghanistan?