Responsible Disaggregation of Data on Refugee Children


September 29, 2023

The rising numbers of refugee and forcibly displaced children underscore the urgent need for disaggregated data. While often overlooked, these data are vital because they reveal the unique challenges these children face and allow us to tailor  support to their specific needs. 

This joint UNICEF-UNHCR Guidance Note presents opportunities and recommendations to responsibly improve the quality of disaggregated data on refugee and other forcibly displaced children. It offers UNICEF country and regional offices, as well as others involved with refugee children’s data, with practical resources and tools to responsibly bridge data gaps. 

The note delves into the challenges and risks of collecting, analyzing, disseminating, and sharing disaggregated data on refugee children, providing key frameworks to navigate and manage these complexities. It also presents internationally agreed disaggregation standards for data disaggregation and the strengths and limitations of various data sources. 
