Annual report 2022 of the International Data Alliance for Children on the Move
Improving data, upholding rights: a partnership to protect migrant and displaced children
Quality data that capture the foundational aspects of children’s lives – such as their access to school, health care, clean water and safe environments – are the surest way to track that every country is upholding every child’s right to well-being. But millions of the most vulnerable children around the world are missing from the data, including the many children who are on the move across nearly continent.
Globally, children are migrating or facing displacement in record numbers: At the end of 2021, an alarming 36.5 million children had been forced from home by conflict and violence. This number does not include the many more on the move due to the impacts of climate change, nor does it reflect those who have been displaced by war and conflict since these figures were released. And while children on the move are among the most marginalized on the planet, they are commonly missed in data collection efforts. This means the protection of their rights is often overlooked by policymakers and practitioners.
The International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC) was formed in 2020 to end the invisibility of migrant and displaced children in national statistical systems. IDAC has grown to a cross-sectoral membership of nearly 50, uniting Member States, UN agencies and other international organizations, NGOs, think tanks and academic experts to address the data gaps and drive better policies and programming for children on the move. To ensure that the voices of children on the move are represented in dialogues and action that impact their future, IDAC is now partnering with the Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP), part of the United Nations Major Group on Children and Youth.
In its first annual report, IDAC captures the impacts of its important work to date, and, together with MYCP, calls on Member States to partner with the alliance to drive further improvements and innovative solutions for better data for children on the move.
The International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC) is a cross-sectoral global coalition comprised of governments (including experts from national statistical offices and migration-relevant line ministries), international and regional organizations, NGOs, think tanks, academics, and civil society. The main objective of IDAC is to improve statistics and data on migrant and forcibly displaced children with the goal to support evidence-based policymaking that protects and empowers them.
Learn about IDAC’s next events, news and publications
Read IDAC’s Declaration on improving data for children on the move