Ending preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths by 2030
Moving faster towards high-quality universal health coverage in 2020–2025

Over the past decade, substantial progress has been made in newborn health and in preventing stillbirths, including in countries with the highest burdens of mortality. More mothers and their babies can now access effective health care, during and after pregnancy. Yet we are far from our goal of ending preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths by 2030. Half of all under-5 deaths still occur in the first month of life, and 2 million stillbirths occur every year. Times of health crises – such as the COVID-19 pandemic – reveal the weaknesses of health systems and threaten to turn back a decade of hard-won progress.
The Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) provides countries with a roadmap for ending preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths and reducing disability by 2030. Updated targets and milestones for the period of 2020–2025 that will determine the course of health and lives of children and women for the next decade and beyond include:
- Every pregnant woman has four or more antenatal care contacts
- Every birth is attended by skilled health personnel
- Every woman and newborn receives early routine postnatal care within 2 days
- Every small and every sick newborn receives care