Water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities: Progress on the fundamentals

2023 Global Report

A healthcare worker washes her hands, Mozambique


Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Waste and Electricity Services in Health Care Facilities: 2023 Global Progress Report highlights that an estimated 8 million people die annually in 137 low- and middle-income countries from poor-quality health care, resulting in US$6 trillion in economic losses from poor health and premature mortality. This report marks the last official reporting back on the 2019 World Health Assembly Resolution on WASH in Health Care Facilities where countries committed to strengthen standards, increase investments and regularly monitor services and progress. The report is timely as current and emerging global strategies and frameworks for Universal Health Coverage, a Global Pandemic Treaty, Primary Health Care, Child and Maternal Health, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Prevention and Control - all are predicated on safe and sustainable WASH and waste services in health care facilities.  

Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Waste and Electricity Services in Health Care Facilities: 2023 Global Progress Report

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